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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Luca Chocolate on Chocolate Covered Bacon

Tonight on “Chocolate Covered Bacon-The Best in Independent Food Finds”, we had Leslie from Luca Chocolate! She was an amazing guest and shared so much about her chocolate! Leslie started putting Luca Chocolate together about three and a half years ago with some research and development. She had started working as a cook in professional kitchens and decided that she would rather be a pastry chef, once she completed her schooling, she migrated to the medium of chocolate, and the rest is history.

Leslie's favorite chocolates to snack on are her Vanilla Butter Cream Truffle's which look absolutely divine on her site! We also discovered that her Bacon Box came from a blogger that was looking for a special treat. Never one to turn down a challenge Leslie jumped right on it, and came up with this delectable box of Chocolate Covered Bacon and other chocolates. She has such a wonderful variety of chocolates on her site, and the photographs make you want to jump out and take a bite out of your screen! We learned to night that she actually takes all her own photographs, which are exquisitely done! You can keep up with the Latest on Luca Chocolate on their blog and their different shop locations: Luca on Foodzie, Luca on Etsy, and Luca Chocolates Homepage.

In our everlasting search for the best in independent foods, we would like to let you know that Anne from LiberTeas will be joining us next week! With her amazing assortment of flavored teas, your sure to find something delicious to drink! Let us satisfy your cravings, Thursday’s at 6PM EST for Chocolate Covered Bacon-The best in independent food finds!

--James (ClosetCreature in BHR Chat) from Birdy's Knits Your Host

Garden & Weed Walk

I hope you joined us for our virtual garden and weed walk during this week's In the Garden show, but if you were unable to make it you can still see the plants that we visited and discussed at our Flickr In the Garden Group. Check it out!

As we began our stroll I suggested that everyone make some time to step outdoors, to experience your environment, if only for a moment. To pause and take notice of all that is growing around you. And if you see things that are unknown to you, get to know them. You might be surprised at what you learn! A few books that I mentioned that might help you with this are:

We barely got through half of the plants I had planned for the show, I ramble on so! But you can see all the green friends that were mentioned and more at our Flickr In the Garden, and you can post your garden images there too! Join us! 

I wish you all the best in your vegetable, flower and herb gardens ... and in your gardens of life! And don't miss a moment of the great music and lively programming on Blockhead Radio every day

Be well by Nature!

Mom's Cafe is Rockin the Thirty Minute Mommas!

Last night Myself and Amy over at Mama's Little Monkey's, once again had the amazing pleasure of interviewing 4 totally hot Handmade Mommas on our Wednesday show of Mom's Cafe.

Our first Momma was Christie from Stitch ~n~ Love, which I personally met over in the Cafemom Street Team. She can be found in many places: Artfire, Etsy, 1,000 Markets, and Congo. You can even find her on her blog! Christie and her way cute Hubby Tony are the parents of 6 kids, including a Chipmunk, and a Jaguar! She lives in a stinkin' Zoo!

Christie is a whiz at sewing! I love browsing around her Artfire Shop! She makes adorable boutique clothing, modeled by her very own Chipmunks! One of my favorites is the Custom Twirl Skirt Outfit! Christie said it takes an entire day to create this outfit, and I'm giving her the props she deserves. That is one fantastic sewing accomplishment!

After we browsed around all of Christie's links, we had the opportunity talk to "Meeez Picard" or Paula, from Picard Creative! I have got to admit, I really enjoyed interviewing Paula! She is a great inspiration and help to anyone who wants to sell handmade online! Paula came up with a way to bring people to Artfire by creating the Crazy Train. I really love the way the people over at the crazy train promote other artisans and I appreciate and respect how they are bringing people in to the handmade movement!

Paula's items are really neat and I love the concept! She makes repurposed magnets from old cans, and art collages. My personal favorites are the Pin up Magnets! Oh and not to mention, she even has a magnet up with a pic of me!

Paula can be found on Artfire and Etsy and has a great Blog too! I encourage you to check her out, get your ticket for the Crazy Train (and I have to mention the Train's conductor Larry over at Chelsea Lynn Designs), and take some time to browse around her artfire shop! I have laughed until my sides hurt at the creative magnets she has! Those magnets will make great gifts! I know a few people I would love to give them to!

Elegance by Mode
was our third Hot Mom of the night! Elegance has been around Blockhead Radio for awhile now and also lives in North Carolina along with myself and Larry from The Crazy Train. Elegance was a hoot! She has two daughters one of which is Brittany who spilled the beans on Mom and told us a funny story about her skipping and singing through the shopping mall!

You can find Elegance on Artfire and her blog, and she is on also. Since I have met Elegance, I have loved visiting her store! She has some of the prettiest handmade jewelry I've ever seen! Each piece has been handwoven with love! I must admit, her craft is one I would never have the patience to attempt! I found my favorite piece as I was browsing last night. I have never seen another cameo ever, like her Woven Cameo Necklace. I am personally saving my dollars for that beautiful piece of art! Everything in her shop is amazing! You guys have got to stop by and see what all the talk is about!

The final Mom of the night was Valerie from Kickins Kreations. She has some of the tastiest looking candles I've ever seen! We had a blast going through her shop and throwing links into chat for everyone to drool over! You can find Valerie, everywhere! Really, she is on Artfire, Flickr,, Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter!

We were all taken by surprise when we actually saw a Pickles and Ice Cream Candle! My personal favorite is the Chocolate Amaretto Pie Candle and The Fruit Bowl Candle! Valerie has so many different candles and soaps in her shop! I loved looking around and learning about candle making! She really has a great outlook on selling handmade online and I loved talking with her!

You can catch Mom's Cafe on Blockhead Radio every Wednesday Night at 9pm Eastern Time hosted by Rocker and Mama! Mom's Cafe is currently having a Mother's Day Giveaway check it out and give a great gift to your friend! Thirty Minute Momma is a BLAST, if you would like to sign up to be a future Thirty Minute Momma, here is how to do it! Thanks again for all the Moms we had the opportunity to talk with last night!

Outside the Frame

Wednesday’s airing of Outside the Frame was jam-packed with information, advice and tips on how to approach brick-and-mortar galleries for exhibitions and/or representation.

Here’s a recap of the show:
Are you ready for a gallery? You should have a body of consistent works all of equal quality. Your works should be cohesive and in the appropriate style for the gallery. You should have had at least three displays in alternative exhibition spaces such as libraries, restaurant, cafes, senior centers, etc. Also, you should have your presentation and marketing materials that includes a portfolio, tearsheets, display records, sales records, etc. ready to send.

We then went on to discuss the different kinds of galleries and how the type relates to the way they derive their income. Commercial/Consignment Galleries survive by selling artwork on a consignment basis taking a percentage (typically 40 – 50% but can be as high as 70% in NYC and L.A.) from the retail price in order to pay their bills, expenses and staff salaries. Member/Cooperative Galleries survive by utilizing member dues and commissions (typically 40%) from works sold. University, Community, and Non-Profit Galleries typically sales are not transacted through these venues but when they are they are often on a commissioned basis. Vanity Galleries derive their income from artists’ in the form of exhibit space rentals and other artist fees rather than through the sale of art. Vanity Galleries generally should be avoided.

Some galleries impose geographic restrictions in regards to the artists they represent or in regards to the shows they curate. Local-open only to those who reside in the specified town or city. Regional-open only to those who reside in the specified region such as a county, state or group of states. National-open to those who reside in that nation such as the United States. International-open to those who reside in that nation as well as to those who reside elsewhere.

Exhibitions also fall into different categories. Juried-where all work exhibited is selected by a juror or jury. By Invitation-where all artists exhibiting have been pre-selected and invited to participate. Member-where all works exhibited are works by dues-paying members in good standing. Shows are distinguished further according to the number of artists participating. Group-shows that include the works of four or more artists in the same show and are usually thematic in nature. Trio-show featuring the works of three artists. Duet-show featuring the works of two artists and Solo-show featuring the works of one artist.

There are two types of submissions, solicited (meaning material was requested) and unsolicited (meaning material was sent even though it was not requested). Sending in solicited materials always increases your chances for a favorable response. You get galleries to request your materials either by querying them or via calls for artists.

The three steps in getting into a gallery are as follows: Step 1-Visit the Gallery (in person if local or regional via website if national or international). Should visit at least twice –once on a regular business day, in casual attire and once during an opening reception.

Tip of the day: DO YOUR HOMEWORK! The better you know the gallery, its artists, and its staff; the better you are able to evaluate whether or not they are a good fit for you. Step 2- Contact the Gallery (via phone if local or regional, via email if national or international) to ask about their portfolio review policy and to request a portfolio review/interview. Step 3- The Portfolio Review/Interview. The portfolio usually contains 10 to 12 images of your best works (do not send originals) can be hard copy or digital. Also needed are biography and/or resume (or CV) and artist’s statement, and any tearsheets, show cards, etc. Calls to artists, the prospectus and exhibition proposals were discussed as well as the important clauses within an Artist-Gallery Agreement.

Links to sources for calls are:
Art Deadlines List
Art Calendar
Art Shows
National Assembly of States Arts Councils

The following worksheets & samples mentioned in the program can be downloaded as .pdf documents here

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding Outside the Frame; please direct them to me via email at or you can catch me on Plurk,Twitter or via my Paint and Pen Blog. Also, check my blog before next week’s show to find out how you can be eligible to win a DeDe Sorensen print. Finally, Be sure to tune in next Wednesday at 1PM for Outside the Frame where we will discuss the steps involved in securing and getting paid for commissioned projects.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Discovery Thursday

Quite a few changes went on this week! First, Huck fired Rod as my co-host (lol), then I changed the format to include 3 shops instead of just one. And last but not least, I want you out there to get involved with the picking of the "New Discovery" shops! Yes that's right, I want you to email me with a "New Discovery" shop. If I use your chosen shop, both you and the chosen shop will be plugged on air! Email me your picks at:

Now on to this Thursday's picks.

The first shop was The wire wrapped pieces of jewelry are absolutely gorgeous! The artist is offering Free Shipping until Mother's Day on all purchases of items totaling $35.00 or more. See artist's website for more information.

My second shop was cute Canvas Messenger bag was selected by one of our listeners as her favorite! I Scream Seams prints on American Apparel and produces completely hand made bags, wallets, scarves and any other items they can dream up!

My third shop was This Eensy Dinosaur is one of many of the artists' handmade polymer clay creations. Most of her creations are "mini's" and can be used in doll houses. Stop by and take a look at her fruits and vegetables too!

SewHappyDesigns Stinkin' Good Giveaway

Check out this Stinkin' Good Giveaway by SewHappyDesigns. Sew is the #1 fan of BHR. She started out with the first show and has never left. Today she is doing the Stinkin' Good Giveaway.

A matching kitchen towel/potholder in sunflowers.

You can find Sew at:

All ya gotta do is keep a player open and listen for me to say call in........

Thanks Cindy

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


dou-ble-think (n.):
- Thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods, especially when used as a technique of self-indoctrination: "Doublethink... is a vast system of mental cheating" (George Orwell).

doublethink boasts an enormous rock n’ roll sound, songs that are broad and powerful, and a dynamic line-up of young and energetic players. This band does not settle for anything less than huge. Effortlessly blending stadium rock, pop, metal, and alternative music, with the sensibility of music’s greatest, doublethink is not just another act.

doublethink will be releasing their new EP Seeing Red on Valentines Day 2009. Seeing Red was recorded and produced by legendary rock producer Kevin "Caveman" Shirley (Aerosmith, Silverchair, Our Lady Peace). Recorded at The Document Room Studios in Malibu, California, overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Seeing Red finds the band capturing their live energy like no other release of theirs ever has.

doublethink has played over 200 shows from 2005-2008, including sharing the bill with Collective Soul, Boy Hits Car, Finger Eleven, Non-point, and Thornley. They have a tremendous, kinetic live performance… the crowds embrace their energy, dance and move, and enjoy their ears ringing for days.


Scott Brown-Vocals/Guitar
Jeff Callahan-Drums
Johnny Kobierowski-Bass
Eric Libby-Guitar

Check out doublethink on the web at

Monday, April 27, 2009

Plurkin' Pluggin'

To help out on our Million Fan March we are going to do a little game to make it fun.

On a Million Fan March
plurk me baby


Plurkin' Pluggin'

It's easy and fun to do. All ya gotta do is be a fan/friend on Blockhead Radio on Plurk and at various time through out the day we will say "it's plurkin' pluggin' time'. The first person to put a link up as a response will be plugged on the air. You can link any site as long as it is
kid friendly.

So here's to getting a million fans on the march and some good 'ol plurkin' pluggin'.

Win Rocker's Package

You too can be a RockerChic.........

That's right, you can win Rocker's Package today. All you gotta do is open a player and wait for us to announce it's time for the stinkin' good giveaway.

You can be a rockerchic too..........

One Size large "Acid Washed Angel Tattoo Tee" V neck.

"At the end of the day" retro earrings (black, pink, redish).

Skully hot pink pendant.

Visit RockerChic today.......

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Please Remember

Blockhead Radio is an open to everybody. Artisan or not. Our mission has always been "exposing artisans to the world" and we do it in the most entertaining way possible. BHR does have some 'rules' in place:

# No Politics.....really now don't ya get enough of that elsewhere.
# No whatever name you say or if you say no name at all.
# No Calling Out any Person/'s suppose to be fun remember.
# Keep it Kid Friendly......words do slip and innuendos made but please remember this one.

We will remind anybody if it does happen, but if it becomes a problem we will ban you from BHR. We are not trying to control your 'freedom of speech' or anything like that but it's our station and if ya wanna play you gotta play by our rules.

Our Philosophy

If you don't have something nice to say....don't say it or type it.
Life has enough stress in it already. If there is a person or site that just rubs you raw.....ignore them and don't respond to them. If I don't like somebody I just don't associate with them in any way shape or form. Now don't get paranoid if I haven't said your name or said 'hi' lately....refer to the next section.

If we have an issue with you we will contact you.
That's right. We will contact you by email, phone, or face to face. If something has happened that we need to talk about we will talk to you about it. We do not take our problems public.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled fun....that's right let's have some fun.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Would you freeze your nuts?

Last Tuesday on TOUGH TIMES we discussed some interesting topics: like storing your whole nuts in deep freeze to use throughout the year until next crop. As it turns out, a few of our chatters already freeze their nuts---and they readily admit it :)

We also learned that brewing your own beer is GOOD. Especially since there are dozens of ways to utilize beer---wash your hair or bake some bread. yummmm beer.

wildwood and skyline bring you helpful tips for thrifty living! wildwood is Carey from Edge of the Wildwood and skyline is Marie from Skyline Candle Company. Together they'll collect tips from far and wide to share with you. Blockhead listeners will be sharing some clever ideas, too! One tip is selected to try out for a week---this week's experiment comes from lovetostamp:

Lemon Laundry
add lemons to the rinse cycle of a white load of laundry for freshness.

(the largest lemon ever grown was 8 pounds, 8 ounces)

Tune in to hear The Experiment Report on TOUGH TIMES at 11:30 eastern Tuesday morning.... and find out how the Lemon Laundry tip turns out!

Sabrina Shaheen

Sabrina’s CD, Love Is... is a vocally driven pop CD with various musical genres coming together to create one sound that is uniquely hers. With an imaginative contrast of vocal styling and dynamic aarrangement's, Sabrina is destined to shed new light on contemporary music.

For years, Sabrina Shaheen has touched listeners with the sound of her voice and her dedication to uplifting people with her music. Whether singing in the theater, the symphony, in film or in concert, Sabrina is one of those rare performers whose singing conveys both passionate beauty and depth. Her new album, Love Is... is a powerful expression of her musical vision, one that has been a lifetime in the making.

Born and raised in Michigan, Sabrina has been immersed in music and the arts for as long as she can remember. Starting on her family’s piano at the age of four, at seven, she began formal piano lessons. At the same time, she was studying ballet (from the age of three through college) and would eventually become a member of the Tri-City Ballet Company while in high school. (Sabrina has studied a variety of dance, including ballet, tap, flamenco, modern and jazz.)

Throughout the challenges of her life, music has been, in Sabrina’s words, “a true, loyal friend – the thing that’s never let me down.” Loving various genres of music – hard rock, jazz, pop, classical and dance, Sabrina channeled her love into an intensive program of music study, all with the goal of becoming a performer.

A performer is what Sabrina has become, playing in over ten musical, dance and theatrical roles for the University of Michigan and regional theaters with lead roles in Kismet, A Chorus Line and Peter Pan, among others. She has sung at the Detroit Symphony Orchestra Hall in Detroit and has performed live at Detroit’s legendary Cobo Hall. She’s been a mainstay in the Detroit music circuit, keeping up a relentless schedule of performing her originals and standards at various clubs, restaurants and parties. Her versatility has also earned her voice-over work and even won her the lead role in the independent film “Rage Of Justice.” And in perhaps her most unusual gig, she sang at a private party for Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Amidst her dizzying schedule and accomplishments, over the last few years, Sabrina worked on what she calls, “my labor of love,” her new album, Love Is… Produced by Brian Drago and Sabrina herself, the album is a departure from Sabrina’s history of singing jazz. Instead, Love Is… emphasizes Sabrina’s love of dance and ethereal pop, simultaneously recalling Madonna and Enya. Sabrina says, “The more self-confident I’ve become, the more I wanted to get into various pop styles; some with a dance beat, some with a middle eastern sound. To me, it all blends together into my own style.”

Standout tracks include the sultry opening song, “Show Me,” and the album’s title track, “Love Is…” an expression of Sabrina’s vision of what love makes possible for humanity. She expands, “I love the song because it captures what I believe humans can strive for – a kinder level of living for humanity.” “Ecstasy” oozes with sensuality, as Sabrina’s voice weaves a tale of hypnotic seduction that’s utterly irresistible. And the album’s first single, “In My Life,” is the album’s statement of purpose – to follow a dream no matter who or what is in the way.

After years of working to be the best singer, writer and performer she can be, and in a career filled with impacting all whom she encounters, Sabrina Shaheen has reached a peak with Love Is… Her intention to reach people through her music remains as unshakable as ever. She declares, “I want my music to be heard by people all over the world – I’ve been through so much, and I want to share it with everyone.” Given Sabrina’s dedication to her craft and her relentless pursuit of her dream, it seems almost inevitable that her wish will come true.

Buy the CD

Dare Dukes and Candle Guy

Last night on Blockhead Rod's Friday Night Features we played Prettiest Transmitter of All by Dare Dukes and share with you the artisan candleguy821.

Before we can play any music let's set the mood.

Candles by Donald. I make and sell scented and non-scented palm and paraffin wax candles. I make only a few candles each day in my outdoor studio. I think it has been 4 years of selling candles and about 5 years of making them. Do not be shy, please contact me with your candle questions. I like to communicate with people to talk candles.

My pick for listening to Prettiest Transmitter of All by Dare Dukes is:


Candles by Donald is offering a 3 inch diameter X 4 1/2 inches tall palm wax pillar candle. The candle is scented with the very popular fragrance “Dragon’s Blood”. You may have smelled this fragrance while shopping at a new age store or herb shop. This scent described as an oriental blend of orange, rose, and carnation nestled on a warm dry down of patchouli is exotic as well as mystical. The candle has good throw both hot and cold adding a presence to the room. The scarlet color is brilliant, adding to the beautiful feather pattern exhibited by this blend of palm wax. It is a one pound great smelling candle. The photos show a stunning scarlet candle, commanding as a dragon should be. I can assure you all that no dragon’s were slain or harmed in any way during the making of this candle.

Now on to the Music.

Last night we featured Prettiest Transmitter of All by Dare Dukes. The songs that make up Dare Dukes´ new album, Prettiest Transmitter of All, are a striking combination of incisive intelligence and sweet, doleful hooks. Looking past the shiny surfaces of American life, the Savannah, GA based singer-songwriter chronicles the everyday world, mining the margins for the eccentric characters and bizarre events that are the heart of his music.

Born and raised in the
exurb of San Jose, California, Dare grew up as the state blossomed into what he calls, "exit-ramp culture" a maze of smoked-glass franchises and cookie cutter subdivisions that took root along the vast network of interstate freeways. "Everyone knows the cliches about suburbia: It's a stark, sanitized landscape, pretty much soulless," Dare explains. "No one needs to remind us of that. I'm more interested in the poetry I see there the weirdness, the anomalies, the resistance. Even in this unlikely grid you can find courageous people and precious things."

From Sam's Cathedral to The Equipment is fine Dare created a CD that will both inspire and entertain you.

Buy the CD

Thanks for tuning in and we'll see ya next Friday when we will feature a new Cd and Artisan.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Stinkin' Good Giveaway from ~Sewhappydesigns~

Are you ready for a another stinkin' good giveaway on BHR?

Cindy at Sewhappydesigns is sewhappy to sponsor the stinkin good giveaway for Wednesday, April 29. This lovely bright sunflower kitchen set with a kitchen towel and matching potholder is definately a skinkin good giveaway!

Keep those players open and Good Luck!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Sustainable Garden

Today, In the Garden, we welcomed Bill Duesing, the Executive Director of the Connecticut Chapter of the Northeast Organic Farming Association. Bill is a farmer with over 35-years of experience with organic methods, he is a community educator and, in my opinion, an earth-activist, not to mention an all ‘round nice guy.

Our show centered on the idea of the sustainable garden and the things that nurture community, and connect people through their food. Bill shared with us how conscious food choices can impact those connections for the betterment of our individual health, as well as the health and wellness of our families, communities, economies, and the very earth that we all share.

Bill touched on many of the trends that we are seeing in the Northeast United States, trends that are indicative of what is happening all over the country, and perhaps the world. We are seeing a rise in the number of small farms, community gardens, community farms and farmer’s markets, not to mention school gardens, college organic farms and community food system organizations. The way I see it, people everywhere are taking back their power – through their food choices. 

We discussed key regional organizations such are the Northeast Organic Farming Association and its CT Chapter as well as the Organic Land Care organization.

Bill shared a few books to help our listeners raise their awareness of sustainable practices and support them in making wise and conscious food choices such as The Omnivore's   Dilemma and In Defense of Food both by Michael Pollan, and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.

All in all it was an enlightening show that addressed some tough challenges ahead, yet a show deeply steeped in positive energy and empowerment!

So be sure join us again In the Garden on Blockhead Radio next Thursday at 11:30 AM, eastern time for a show that seems to be shaping up as a virtual weed and garden walk! Until then – and always - be well by Nature!

pencil study by Rick Derwitsch, used with permission

Going Green with Mom's Cafe..and a giveaway!

Last night Mom's Cafe went green and YES, we stayed on topic! Rocker and I discussed various ways you can go green and be eco-friendly and NOT break the bank! We chatted about what being green means to us, for myself I will be as green as my pocketbook allows and I respect the earth we've been given; for Rocker, she explained she just cannot stand to see things throw away, she sees potential in everything!

We shared some fantastic links, tutorials and shops you can purchase green items from if you are sewing machine phobic.

Here are some to get you started:

Links to repurposing clothing:
Men's Shirt into girls Dress:

Neck Ties into Jumper:

Tut for Sleeves into baby pants:

Make a kids toys from your old clothing:

Tees into Reusable Grocery Bags:
somewhere between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year

Where to buy reusable grocery bags:
Upcycled Creations

Did you know the Average American throws away 68 lbs of clothing each year? That is insane!! Think of all the good that could come from that! Even if you are not a crafty person, think of the other places you can share your unwanted items! Freeuse, Freecycle, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Women's Shelters, Homeless Shelters, Schools, etc. There are places you may never realize would take donations..perhaps your local Head Start, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts could use some items? Police stations may take clothing and toys to use when dealing with rape or abuse victims. Donate your blankets to homeless shelters or hospitals for babies...who knows if your blanket could help keep one baby warm? Why throw it out?? Do good!

Parenthood also leads one to many Earth Friendly possibilities, reusing toys, sharing toys, handmade toys and clothing, cloth diapering, mama cloth and many reusable items for mom and baby abound!

Here are some awesome shops to find such items:

Reusable Feminine Pads, and Reusable Lunch Bags:
U.S. women landfill or incinerate 11.3 billion "disposable" menstrual products per year.
It takes approximately 500 years for one "disposable" menstrual pad to partially biodegrade.

Cloth Diapers
Takes 4-500 years to biodegrade 1.5 billion disposable diapers into landfill yearly!

You can reduce landfill waste from your kid’s toys by making their toys from old clothing, from the tutorial we’ve given you before…. Or you can purchase, SAFE LEAD FREE toys from that are handmade by moms who understand your safety concerns with today’s toy corporations!

Crayons and play dough, also ouchie pouchies
Turtle Mommy

Play Goop, Surprise Rocks,
Leaky Mouth
(shop currently closed-Reopening soon! Bookmark it!)

Also check out green toys on Artfire:

Crafty? Follow these tutorials!

For those old broken up crayons:
Make your own shaped crayons, or buy them on handmade venues.

Soap with enclosed Toy:

All kinds of tutorials for handmade toys:

Essentially, no matter what you do, where you are, you can take steps to lessen your carbon footprint and leave the world a nicer, cleaner, healthier place to live!

Want to calculate your carbon footprint? Check it out here:

Happy Green Living..

~~Mama and Rocker

Don't forget Rocker's Super Cool Giveaway!

CLICK HERE for details!

Have A Heart Fundraiser

Here's a chance to help an artisan's family and win a beautiful handmade quilt in the process.

JoAnn, of Pieceful Afternoon, is trying to raise the $25,000 copay that is required for her husband Don's open heart surgery.

To raise the money that is needed for the surgery, JoAnn is actually holding a raffle which gives everyone out there the opportunity to win a gorgeous quilt. A quilt which just happens to be Don's all time favorite quilt.

One look at this quilt and one cannot help but smile! "Grandmother's Flower Garden" will fit a double sized bed and was created using tone on tone bright cheery colors A quilt like this is sure to become the favorite in any household. Imagine snuggling up beneath this beauty made from 100% cotton.

Not only are you getting the chance to win a gorgeous quilt but you're also helping a fellow artisan's family! Now that is a true reason to smile.

Head over and find out how you can be entered into the raffle. One major way you can help is spreading the word! Blog about it and pass the word along (this will get you some entries by the way)! Feel free to copy and paste this post.

Some People Have Asked............

what kind of reach does BHR have and why would I benefit from advertising. BHR is an Internet radio station, so that means people all around the world can listen and do. Our top 5 countries are:
  1. United States
  2. Canada
  3. U.K.
  4. Israel
  5. Australia
Our demographics are a split of 60% Artisans and 40% General Listeners. 70% Women and 30% Men. Ages vary from 12 years old to 71. Yep we got a grandma jammin' with us.

Why use Internet Radio for advertising? Simple, interactivity. With an audio commercial you have put a voice/personality to your site. When your ad is playing a banner is displayed in the player and the listener has the option to go to you site right then and there. Then the most 5 recent audio plays are kept in a list on the player and those link up to your site too. It opens in it's own window so you have the listeners complete attention.

We sell in stream audio/banner spots on CPM. That way you know that 1000 people will hear your ad. CPM is frequently used in advertising to represent cost per thousand (where M is the roman numeral of 1000). When used in advertising it relates to the cost per thousand page impressions. Using the CPM model the advertiser is guaranteed that a minimum number of listeners will hear their ad.

The cost is $15.00 CPM. Advertiser is responsible for supplying a 240 pixel square banner and link to information. Please provide us with a couple sentences describing your site and we will do a script and voice over. You can renew your ad for $7.50 for another 1000 impressions

If you have any questions or would like to setup and ad please email us at

Would You Like A Jingle For Your Ad?

How would you like a catchy jingle for your ad? This special $30 offer for a low cost jingle will boost your image and grab the listeners attention! Singer/Songwriter Mike Burnes is available for this. You can purchase your jingle by email at Wildwood.

One quick more answer. When checking your Goggle Analytics/Incoming URL's the incoming link from the player is:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BlogFire Lights Up BHR

AliciaMae, Guild Master of the BlogFire Guild on ArtFire was our guest co-host at Blockhead Radio Live (BHR) last evening. Her team dominated the chat room, as we discussed the nitty-gritty of this awesome blogging guild.

Bloggers on Artfire - "we blog about crafting, art, and selling online. We're on twitter too" says AliciaMae...admited control freak. However, it is only because if she does it herself, then she has no one to blame for any mistakes. Awwwww!

In addition to her eclectic artistan interests, Alicia works from home as a full-time editor for mostly technical science publications. From the White Mountains of New Hampshire where she finishing her PhD, Alicia enjoys the peace of a lifetime living with and around creative others.

"Woodburning was passed down to me from my Mom and I have always had an affinity for paint. Cross stitching was a hobby when I was a teenager and bracelet weaving was a summer camp hobby that brings back nostalgic memories. I used to play with polymer clay and always enjoyed the miniatures my aunt made for herself. Given that information, I have about 20 years experience in making these items, but am constantly expanding my horizons."

Approximately 60 members and growing, it was a joy to reunite with Alicia after a long time of being teammates on another venue.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I've Been Plurking

Yes I have developed a new uhm....... addiction. Plurk.

What is Plurk?

Noun. plurk (plĆ¼er-kh) - A really snazzy site that allows you to showcase the events that make up your life in deliciously digestible chunks. Low in fat, 5 calories per serving, yet chock full of goodness.

Verb. plurk (plĆ¼er-kh) - To chronicle the events of your always on, action-packed, storybook, semi-charmed kinda life.

Example use: 'Gee golly, my children are plurking all day long, what's a mother to do?'

Why join them, of course! Yes, Plurk is for everyone. We've taken the time, the complexity, and the deep introspection required out of blogging.

This isn't Billy Q. Poindexter's blog, no, no. Instead, Plurk is an easy way to chronicle and share the things you do, the way you feel, and all the other things in between that make up your life, with the people close to you. It's instant gratification, instant self-indulgence, instant celebrity, instantly YOU. Share your life stream, live your life….Plurk!

That is how they describe it. Now, let me share my experience.

ClosetCreature from birdysknits coaxed me over to Plurk. So this past Sunday I waded out into Plurk. Soon I found myself in a massive riptide and was way out. Being a smart swimmer I did not fight it.

Plurk is a social media like no other I've ran across. It is setup as an easy to follow timeline where you can keep track of the conversations. It is also great for multi tasking. You can set your Plurks up to feed into your other social networks like Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, and Multiply. So you can multi task with one Plurk. It is great for meeting new people, fun, and promotions.

I did the live shows yesterday while plurking, sing a longs, song requests, and of course a Plurk Fast Fingers. I will keep Plurk as part of BHR for as long as I can keep my sanity.

So if your are ready for a lot of fun join me on Plurk............I hope to see you there.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stinkin' Good Giveaway 4/20

9 inch x 12 inch watercolor pet portrait
from Pigatopia Studio

Keep that player open for your chance to win.
Thanks Pig for a great giveaway

We Have Another Winner!

Congratulations to Crazy for Collars for being the winner of the "Weekly Challenge" for last week's Artisans Challenge ! Just look at the vibrant collars in the dog collar that won best in show! Be sure and check out this shop for fabulous handmade dog collars that will have your pups strutting in style.

Again, I'd like to say thanks to all the fabulous entries! It is only through word of mouth by all the participants of each category that the Artisans Challenge continues to grow by leaps and bounds!

Be sure vote in ALL 13 Categories! If you've been sent there specifically to vote in one category, take a moment and spread some love to all the artisans and their creations. A vote in every category is an opportunity to discover a new shop or artisan! While you're there get your submissions in for future Challenges.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blockhead Rod's Friday Night Features.....Kewl Magnets and Double Standards

First thing first. I have to admit that I am having a riot doing this show. I am getting to talk to some great artisans and musicians. This past Friday we featured Ms Picard from picardcreative and the Double Standards CD from Patti Rothberg.

"Why buy a greeting card that will just get tossed in a drawer and forgotten? buy your friends a piece of art that they will use and treasure. Great for all occasions. birthdays, congratulations, cheer up, divorce, or just because. Everybody loves and needs magnets. mine are silly, sarcastic, artistic and in some cases- downright rude."

I feel in love with her magnets. I had seen her shop but it was a thread that our ol' buddy ShineyHiney posted that got me to really look. (and yes the invoice is on the way for the plug) Ms Picard joined me on air and we had a lot of fun together. She has a great sense of humor and some really cool magnets. She combines photo's with sayings and they all had me laughing. It was hard to pick out a favorite but here I go:

Product Description: think about it- isnt it true? uh huh!

Magnets are always buy 5 get one FREE. Just list the desired free magnet in the paypal notes to seller section when you check out and I will add it to your order for Free- no additional shipping or nothin!

These are so much fun- artistic and practical at the same time. These are all handmade- (well, except the lids)
I love doing collage work and each one will have its own specialness.

Be sure to check out my packaging- I Send each magnet packaged in an organza bag with my card attached. (colors of bag may vary)

There is nothing better than the gift of laughter and handmade art.

I make these using recycled tin can lids that I have rescued- I also beg all my friends to save their lids for me. They are coated with glaze to protect the image- and keep it wonderful for years and years.

I have a very absurd sense of humor and love to make people laugh. I enjoy making these magnets.

Picardcreative will also do custom orders and has a buy 5 get 1 free deal. Works out great for us with 6 kids and the grandparents. Visit Ms Picard today.

Now some great music.
Double Standards by Patti Rothberg. Patti Rothberg is a critically acclaimed singer/songwriter whose songs have the power to take over a stadium without losing their lyrical intimacy. On Double Standards, Rothberg's razor sharp wit and stark honesty trade barbs in the studio where she thrives in her creative freedom and at last releases an album that reflects her talent as a whole. While the album's lyrics delve into concepts that are more than meets the eye, musically it's split down the middle between hard rock that hang out with the guys and heartfelt acoustic songs. Rothberg likes to think that Double Standards been released in the age of vinyl, the rockin' songs might all go one side and the acoustic on the other. An electric guitar-wielding rock chick with a novelist's introspection, Patti is the rare artist who can work both sides of the musical spectrum.

Visit Patti on her website to learn more about her, her music, and her artwork....yep I said artwork. Patti

Here Birdy, Birdy, Birdy....

Knits that is! I have met a lovely couple, James and Birdy who are the brains, heart and soul behind Birdy's Knits, a selection of great shops where you can find excellent handmade items like knitting stitch markers, patterns, knitted items, and more! Their free pattern for a Swiffer Reusable Cloth Pad has been downloaded over 800 times! Get yours HERE!

Who ARE James and Birdy really? "Birdy is a knitter and designer. She was recently featured in Knitty ( with her flit-n-float scarf. James is the designer and crafter of our line of Duals Use Notions for Fiber Artists." Now, if you are not a knitter you may be asking yourself just what are stitch markers? (I know I was!) James explains it quite well, "Our Dual use stitch markers are designed using leverback earrings, so they make great earrings. We have some of our knitters that say they use them as much as earrings as they do in their projects. It also comes in handy when your knitting and find you need a stitch marker but can't find one. Pop there it is, in your ear. They are also usable in crochet projects. Someone even told us they used it as a cabling needle for a small cable and they couldn't find theirs. So in reality they are more than dual use, but I just like the sound of that! We also have dual use row counters that are still a bit in development, that can also be worn as necklaces or bracelets. Also still in it's testing phase are our new Dual use stitch holders. which are also wearable as a necklace, and will be in coordinating designs with our stitch markers. As we like to say, 'They're not just jewelry for you, they're for your knitting too!'" Birdy and James launched Birdy's Knits Website about 2 years ago with just knitting patterns, then added the stitch markers one year ago.

Birdy home schools their two children while James works a full time job to take care for life's' un-fun necessities and then comes home to work on all the marketing, promoting and 'business' details of running a handmade business--something many people take for granted! As James says, "There are lots of things that go into all of that, that people don't realize. Like the emails that need to be answered about products. The website changes that need to be made. The listing of the items. The pictures that need to be taken, oh don't get me started on pictures. Then there is the promoting, if you are tring to do that on a budget, then it takes loads of time to get into forums and on chat threads talking up your products. I spend about 6-8 hours a day working on just the business, and that's on top of the 10-12 hour days at the FT job, so I could use like 6 more hours a day, 4 more for family and 2 more for sleep."

Time crunch seems to be something most handmade artisans face! It is one of the main answers I get when asking artisans what their top challenges are. Along with the time challenge, James and Birdy find themselves with the obstacle of "getting your products known." James explains, "We started our business 2 years ago, with just some of Birdy's Patterns. We then expanded to our Dual Use Stitch Markers about a year ago. We got some traffic but not a lot. We didn't know how to market online. So this year we are working on expanding our marketing for our products. We started with finally listing on Etsy this year in late January, and then we started searching our Handmade venues to sell on. So we added ArtFire, Shophandmade and MadeItMyself. For us it's all about getting our products in front of people. After reading several forums and blogs we have been discovering different ways to get your name known, and we continue to work on those. The other obstacle that we have placed on ourselves, is that we refuse to go into debt to make this work. So we are funding this business on it's own funds. I work a special event each year as a contract worker, and the money from that as well as the money from the business is what funds everything. That means we are growing slower than we might sometimes like, but at the same time we are growing."

Although it may be a slow start, there have been some great moments for James and Birdy, particularly Birdy's publication in Knitty is one of their proudest moments. James says, "It was great to see so many people discover her for the first time. We had thousands of hits on our website in a matter of days almost all new, and discovering Birdy's work for the first time!" That is indeed a fantastic matter how many sales you get, seeing your work appreciated is an important step in the work of a handmade artisan.

There work is certainly appreciated by this mama even though I cannot knit a stitch to save my life! If you want to find MORE about Birdy and James, be sure to check all these links along with the ones mentioned above! (Birdys Knits)

So take a break, go check out James and Birdy and their awesome creations or just drop them a line! Tell them Blockhead Radio sent you! :)

Friday, April 17, 2009


Hey There,

Just found a fellow artisan that life has happened too.

"As many of you may have heard, my 3 (almost 4) year old son has broken my camera. As all on line sellers know, pics are among the most important features in our studios.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, I am having a **BUY ONE GET ONE 1/2 OFF SALE** to raise enough money to purchase a new camera. All purchases will be greatly appreciated. If you can not purchase I completely understand as well. I know what it's like to be strapped for cash.

If there is nothing in my shop that you like, I will be happy to make you a custom order. I will also be listing later tonight.

Also, if there is anyone who has a newer/type camera at a reasonable price, please message me. I would be interested to know what you have."

Take a look at Creative Haven and Creative Supplies and help pass on the word

Have a Great Weekend,


"New Discoveries"

HarmonArt is the work of husband/wife team, Brian and Emily Harmon.

Brian is an art teacher and enjoys creating art in his spare time from school. Brian has a BA in studio art education and an MA in studio art photography. Besides his earthenware works, Brian also creates and shows photographs, emulsion transfers, jewelry and drawings.

Emily grew up on a farm with a father who enjoyed growing a variety of gourds. As a result, her family was often left with an abundance of dried gourds with which nothing to do. That's when inspiration struck. Emily began painting gourds as a child and has since developed her own style fluently combining organic forms and geometric motifs. Currently, Emily grows and works on all sizes and shapes of gourds creating unique and beautiful works of art.

Their work is created using a variety of mediums including hand built earthenware, fine craft gourds, jewelry, and more. To see more of their fabulouse art:

Thursday Spotlight on DeDe Sorensen

Last night was a great show with DeDe Sorenson. DeDe creates fine art in a variety of styles. You can find her work at: and When you check out her google pages you'll see that she sells on a variety of sites!

In fact, one of the things we talked about last night was how she manages all of the different sites she has her stuff on. I was quite impressed because this is something I struggle with! She told us that every morning she checks her blogs and social sites. Then, she has a schedule for when she updates her selling sites. A different place every day, that way there's always new things going up, but she's not overwhelmed on any particular day.

As well as her incredible art work, DeDe loves to write. She has several different blogs, but her main one is: She also writes for The Art Network, doing two columns monthly, and the next magazine will be coming out at the end of May.  The Art Network is an international magazine, and I think you'll find some wonderful advice in her columns!

Speaking  of DeDe's great advice, she's going to be starting up her own show on BHR! I'm really excited about it! It is going to be called Outside the Frame and will begin on the 29th at 1PM EST. Many artists struggle with the business side of things, because it's never really taught in art schools. It can be a vicious world out there! So DeDe is going to share her years of experience with us. The first week she'll be talking about Gallery shows. I'm really excited to learn more about them! I definitely have plenty to learn.
