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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Come Join Us for The Witching Hours and Saturday Night Sales!!

What are The Witching Hours?
"The Witching Hours" where A Good Witch Too will be the hostess with the mostest plugging shops with "Wicked Good Sales"! Yes, Saturday Night Specials is going live on the air. Call in with your specials and join us in chat to share your links. Don't forget about the Treasure Hunt!!!!




Find about 18 different giveaways! Hurry… Ends Tomorrow Night!

So come join us tonight,

Amy--your friendly possum

Friday, January 30, 2009

Charlie and Witchy, sitting in a tree....

Let's hope he doesn't make a fool of himself on the Friday Night Free for All tonite! (8 pm eastern,

Poor in love...

Breaking CPSIA News, Via

We are so excited to announce that the Commission has voted for a "Stay of Enforcement of Certain Testing and Certification Requirements of CPSIA" — which means that the burden of lead testing and certification has been suspended for a year while they take more time to review the rules and plan enforcement! All of your hard work has paid off (for the time being at least!). You don't have to pay to do the certification and testing, though you are still liable if your products are found to have lead. We are so pleased that artisans and vintage sellers got their voices heard. Your hard work is not over; we must continue to play a role in advocating for small business people throughout the coming year.

"The action taken today provides breathing space to get in place some of the rules needed for implementation, but it should not be viewed as a full solution to the many problems that have been raised." —U.S. Consumer product Safety Commission

You'll find the press release below:

CPSC Grants One Year Stay of Testing and Certification Requirements for Certain Products

Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission voted unanimously (2-0) to issue a one year stay of enforcement for certain testing and certification requirements for manufacturers and importers of regulated products, including products intended for children 12 years old and younger. These requirements are part of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), which added certification and testing requirements for all products subject to CPSC standards or bans.

Significant to makers of children’s products, the vote by the Commission provides limited relief from the testing and certification requirements which go into effect on February 10, 2009 for new total lead content limits (600 ppm), phthalates limits for certain products (1000 ppm), and mandatory toy standards, among other things. Manufacturers and importers – large and small – of children’s products will not need to test or certify to these new requirements, but will need to meet the lead and phthalates limits, mandatory toy standards and other requirements.

The decision by the Commission gives the staff more time to finalize four proposed rules which could relieve certain materials and products from lead testing and to issue more guidance on when testing is required and how it is to be conducted.

The stay will remain in effect until February 10, 2010, at which time a Commission vote will be taken to terminate the stay.

The stay does not apply to:

  • Four requirements for third-party testing and certification of certain children’s products subject to:

    • The ban on lead in paint and other surface coatings effective for products made after December 21, 2008;

    • The standards for full-size and non full-size cribs and pacifiers effective for products made after January 20, 2009;

    • The ban on small parts effective for products made after February 15, 2009; and

    • The limits on lead content of metal components of children’s jewelry effective for products made after March 23, 2009.

  • Certification requirements applicable to ATV’s manufactured after April 13, 2009.

  • Pre-CPSIA testing and certification requirements, including for: automatic residential garage door openers, bike helmets, candles with metal core wicks, lawnmowers, lighters, mattresses, and swimming pool slides; and

  • Pool drain cover requirements of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act.

The stay of enforcement provides some temporary, limited relief to the crafters, children’s garment manufacturers and toy makers who had been subject to the testing and certification required under the CPSIA. These businesses will not need to issue certificates based on testing of their products until additional decisions are issued by the Commission. However, all businesses, including, but not limited to, handmade toy and apparel makers, crafters and home-based small businesses, must still be sure that their products conform to all safety standards and similar requirements, including the lead and phthalates provisions of the CPSIA.

Handmade garment makers are cautioned to know whether the zippers, buttons and other fasteners they are using contain lead. Likewise, handmade toy manufacturers need to know whether their products, if using plastic or soft flexible vinyl, contain phthalates.

The stay of enforcement on testing and certification does not address thrift and second hand stores and small retailers because they are not required to test and certify products under the CPSIA. The products they sell, including those in inventory on February 10, 2009, must not contain more than 600 ppm lead in any accessible part. The Commission is aware that it is difficult to know whether a product meets the lead standard without testing and has issued guidance for these companies that can be found on our Web site.

The Commission trusts that State Attorneys General will respect the Commission's judgment that it is necessary to stay certain testing and certification requirements and will focus their own enforcement efforts on other provisions of the law, e.g. the sale of recalled products.

Please visit the CPSC Web site at for more information on all of the efforts being made to successfully implement the CPSIA.

---Reposted from:

The Witching Hours 5-7pm Eastern on Saturday

Tune in Saturday at 5pm Eastern to hear our lovely AGoodWitchToo (a.k.a. Witchy) host The Witching Hours. Join us for Saturday Night Specials, fun, laughs and the treasure hunt!!

You never know WHAT you'll find when Witchy is calling the shots!! :)

Join us at and chat away with us.

Perhaps you will be bestowed the purple hat?

Artisan Teams and Groups Spotlight--Sat. Jan 31th 1 pm

Be sure you tune in on Saturday afternoon at 1 pm Eastern for our Artisan Teams and Groups Spotlight show, hosted by our very own lovely Lily from TulipsTreasureBox! Lily will be interviewing Carolyn from the
INCrowd (Indiana) Team. Tune in and let's learn about their awesome team and what they're all about!! Be sure to
check out her shop as well and the team blog!

So take a break from the Saturday grind and tune in with us!

Amy, your friendly blogger

**Need advertising info? Visit

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Getting to Know Us at Blockhead Radio!

Getting to know the Possum!

Name: Amy
User Name/Shop Name: mamaslittlemonkeys/fleurdeink
Shop URLs/Website URLS:
What type of art do you do? Sewn items for adults and children, soaps, graphic designs (Mama's Little Monkeys)
Flower Pens (Fleur De Ink)
Custom Clothing, Coffee Mugs, etc, (Cafepress)
How did you get started in your art? Honestly, out of necessity! I started cloth diapering my second son at 3 months and could NOT find any cute cloth wipes (I had yet to really find Etsy at this point, or even know about the handmade movements!). So I decided to try my hand at sewing my own. I bought a sewing machine off ebay and I was hooked! Flower pens naturally came later because in my former life as a teacher, we LOVED flower pens because people were always stealing our pens and it's a little harder to steal a pen with a big flower on it's way more fun to write a lesson plan with a pen with a big huge rose on it!
Where do you draw your inspiration? For my sewn items, from my kids, friends, and often the fabric I use. I have what you might call a fabric obsession. It's quite out of hand. And now the soaping obsession is building. For the flower pens, really whatever is pretty! I can't garden to save my life (literally, my family would die if they depended on me to grow food!), so I love flowers I can't kill AND are functional! I need an extra room to store all my supplies!
What are your main obstacles in your art? TIME! I often feel torn between work, kids, husband, house, etc. Obviously house cleaning is the first thing to go when I'm short on time! I mean, we're not living in a pigsty or those houses on "Clean House", but Martha would not be, hey, 2 kids under 4, EH, my house is just NOT gonna be picture perfect!
How did you find BHR? I am ashamed to say I really don't remember!! I THINK I found it becuase of the SNS, Witching Hours thread! (Shhh don't tell the boss that I can't remember!)
Are you a member of the Pluggers United Team? Yuppers! I'm mamaslittlemonkeys there too, and proudly proclaim my love for pluggers in my shops profiles!
What is on your wish list of handmade items? What would you LOVE to have, money being no object? Oh my gosh. Too much stuff. Probably some lovely wooden toys from, EVERYTHING in, All handmade soaps! Seriously, the wish list is huge. Oh and anything in YUM
What is one art/craft you'd love to learn to do? I would love to learn cold process soap one day. I enjoy melt and pour and am quite busy with it as is, but at this point we do not have the physical space for me properly do CP or HP soap, and also with the small kids around, I'm thinking clumsy me and lye are not good combos?
What is your 'off air' job/life? Family? Kids? Well, I am always a wife and mother first...(those kids are around here somewhere...) In my former life I was an early childhood education teacher, I worked with special needs kids, my husband is a mechanic..oh excuse me, automotive technician. I am conversationially fluent in American Sign Language (yes I can curse in ASL), I'm 5'12" and NO I did NOT play basketball. I love all things chocolate, coffee, and martini (in no particular order.) I LOVE "Lost" and will miss every Wed. night BHR show until Lost is off..I'm sorry..I've made it 5 years with those ppl, I must see it through! I used to want to be a writer once upon a time and dreamed of moving to New York City! I eat to live, I do not live to eat (unless it's above mentioned 3 foods), and I do NOT eat seafood!! I also have Celiac DIsease and run the local support group for the Celiac Sprue Association, so that is why you see "glutenfreegirl" at the bottom of the posts!!
What is your favorite dessert? Homemade: Pamela's Gluten Free Cake Mix that I turn into this AWESOME mocha/cream cheese cake...drool. Eating out: Chocolate Thunder from Outback--its GLUTEN FREE!
What are your business goals? Fight CPSIA to the death. Reevaluate future plans and goals due to CPSIA, perfect melt and pour soaping, work local craft fairs and have 60 sales this year! :)
If you have an extra 24 hours in the day with no constraints, what would you do? Sew and Soap in PEACE! Without having to put the baby in the crib or put tv on for the 3 yr old....Blast music, have a drink and create in PEACE!
If you could meet ONE BHR crewmember or listener, who would it be and why? I'd honestly have to save I'd love to meet each and every one of you...but if you held a gun to my head I'd HAVE To meet Witchy because I can so see us cruising down Bourbon Street, slurping down Hurricanes and dying of laughter! (and McGeeky trailing behind us carrying the shopping bags....)
Shameless Plug for anything here: Shop my lovely handmade shops and PLEASE check out my Cafepress shop!!


Friday Night Free For All (FNFFA)!!

Sooo, what IS Friday Night Free For All? (FNFFA)

Join Charlie the Crazy Chipmunk and Blockhead Rod every Friday night for a free for all. You, the listener, will be picking the music. Request and dedications will be taken by phone and in chat. We will have special guests from time to time.

Come join us for the fun, laughs and great tunes!

If you've not met Charlie, well, a blog post can't do him justice. Be forewarned..he has a thing for Witchy!

So tune in, laugh and chill with your friends at Blockhead Radio!

Amy, your friendly blogger

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wednesday Night Reminder!!

Tune in guys to our Wednesday night shows!! You don't want to miss this!

7 pm-8pm Eastern, tune in to for the Sneak Attack Live, performed in conjunction with The Handmade Movement.

Then, at 9 pm Eastern, join us for some fantastic tunes from Hot Buttered Rum for our Indie Music Spotlight! Blockhead Rod will interview the band and play some of their great tunes, as well as give away a CD and T-Shirt!!

So don't you miss it!!

Amy, your friendly grooving possum blogger.

Thursday Night Artisan Spotlight on Sew Happy Designs

I am SEW happy to bring your attention to our Thursday Night Artisan Spotlight on SEW HAPPY DESIGNS!! (Let's see how many times I can use the word 'sew' in this...)

Cindy of Sew Happy Designs is a fantabulous seamstress, great lady and just all around awesome gal! Okay, so I might be a little partial because she's part of the super fantastic team, Pluggers United! But hey, you can certainly come join our happy team as well by clicking HERE!

On with the show...

Join us Thursday night at 9 pm when Ruthie of Roseworks Jewelry interviews Cindy of Sew Happy Designs. I personally want to pick her brain about sewing (my passion), and hear what great things she has to say!! So I welcome everyone to come join in chat and tune in at It's ALWAYS fun and we ALWAYS have our doors open!

Sew, I sew want you to come join us because we are sew going to have fun!!

Too much? Nahhh..
COME ON DOWN! 9 pm Eastern,

Amy, your friendly blogger

Need Advertising? Visit


As parents and concerned citizens I'm sure most of us at one time or another have been confronted with the question of lead poisoning. But have you asked yourself what your government is doing to protect your children from lead contained in toys? The answer? They're banning toys, taking books from schools and libraries, hurting low income families, killing entrepreneurial spirit and risking putting the economy in an even greater depression than we've seen in decades. I'd like to introduce you to their solution: the CPSIA.

Do you know about the CPSIA? No? Then I ask you to take a few minutes to find out about it.

The CPSIA stands for Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, a new set of laws that will come into effect on 10 February, 2009 and will impact many, many people in a negative way. Make no mistake, this is very real. View it for yourself. If Forbes, the American Library Association and numerous other media are paying attention, perhaps you should too.

How will these new laws affect you? Well, here are a few examples:

To the Parents of Young Students:
Due to the new law, expect to see the cost of school supplies sky rocket. While those paper clips weren't originally intended for your student to use, they will need to be tested now that your 11-year-old needs them for his school project. This law applies to any and all school supplies (textbooks, pencils, crayons, paper, etc.) being used by children under 12.

To the Avid Reader:
Due to the new law, all children's books will be pulled from library and school shelves, as there is no exemption for them. That's okay though, there's always television. Our children don't need to learn the love of reading after all.
Article from the American Library Association

To the Lover of All Things Handmade:
Due to the new law, you will now be given a cotton ball and an instruction manual so you can make it yourself since that blanket you originally had your eye on for $50 will now cost you around $1,000 after it's passed testing. It won't even be the one-of-a-kind blanket you were hoping for. Items are destroyed in the testing process making one-of-a-kind items virtually impossible. So that gorgeous hand-knit hat you bought your child this past winter won't be available next winter.

To the Environmentalist:
Due to the new law, all items in non-compliance will now be dumped into our already overflowing landfills. Imagine not just products from the small business owners, but the Big Box Stores as well. You can't sell it so you must toss it. Or be potentially sued for selling it. You can't even give them away. If you are caught, it is still a violation.

To the Second-Hand Shopper:
Due to the new law, you will now need to spend $20 for that brand new pair of jeans for your 2-year old, rather than shop at the Goodwill for second hand. Many resale shops are eliminating children's items all together to avoid future lawsuits.

To the Entrepreneur:
Due to this new law, you will be forced to adhere to strict testing of your unique products or discontinue to make and/or sell them. Small businesses will be likely to be unable to afford the cost of testing and be forced to close up shop. Due to the current economic state, you'll have to hope for the best when it comes to finding a new job in Corporate America.

To the Antique Toy Collector:
Due to the new law, you'd better start buying now because it's all going to private collection and will no longer be available to purchase. "Because the new rules apply retroactively, toys and clothes already on the shelf will have to be thrown out if they aren't certified as safe."

To the American Economy:
Already struggling under an economy that hasn't been this weak in decades, the American economy will be hit harder with the inevitable loss of jobs and revenues from suppliers, small businesses and consumers. The required testing is far too costly and restrictive for small businesses or individuals to undertake.

To the Worldwide Economy:
Due to this new law, many foreign manufacturers have already pulled out of the US market. You can imagine the impact of this on their businesses.

If you think this is exaggerating, here is a recent article from Forbes

And for those of you prepared to be stupefied and boggled, The New Law

Did you know? If this upsets or alarms you, please react.

Win FREE Advertising from Blockhead Radio!!

Who doesn't want FREE advertising!? Do you sell? Create art? Blog? Write tutorials? No matter what venue, what you do, as long as it's PG-13, you can enter to win our FREE ADVERTISING GIVEAWAY!!

What is this you ask? Free Advertising?

You bet!!

WHAT do you win?

A 30 second in-stream audio commercial for your website/shop, complete with free script and voice over! This ad is for 5 thousand impressions, which means AT LEAST 5 thousand people will hear your ad!! This is a $112 value! The only rule about the site to be advertised is that it is PG-13.

HOW do you win?

You must do a blog post about Blockhead Radio on your blog--with an active link to Blockhead Radio ( Then leave a comment on the blog post -->(CLICK HERE)WITH a link to your blog post about us. Everyone with me? :)

***One Entry Per Blog URL! So if you run ten different blogs, you can enter one time under EACH blog URL!***

The giveaway will run from 1/21/09-2/28/09. On March 1, 2009, we will use a random number generator to pick and winner and VERIFY all the blog post links. We will announce the winner on March 5th on this blog.

Please share this giveaway with everyone you know!! It is a GREAT deal!!

----Amy, your friendly blogger

**Employees of Blockhead Radio are NOT eligible to win.**

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sooo, What IS Blockhead Radio??

I realize some of you are faithful readers, but I realize we are growing every day and perhaps not everyone is truly familiar with Blockhead Radio and its concept.

Essentially, BHR is a 24/7 online radio station that focuses on exposing the artisan to the world. That includes, musicians, crafters, writers, essentially anyone with a creative outlet! If you have an art of some kind and need an outlet--let us know!!

The music plays 24/7 and there are scheduled shows focusing on a variety of topics--including just for fun shows! :)

Chat is also open 24/7 and you are welcome to come hang out any time!! Looking for a safe place to just chill with your friends? Come on over!

You will no doubt enjoy our lovely crew, hosts and listeners!! Make great friends, share your links, and become part of the family!!

So come on down, open chat and the player and enjoy!

Once you go BHR, you never go back!

What are Tweets of the Week?

Tweets of the Week is a nifty little promotional tool courtesy of Blockhead Rod. Every Saturday or Sunday, there will be a blog post about Tweets of the Week. If you follow Blockhead Rod on Twitter, you will know when the blog post is up!

The first TEN people to comment on the blog post will be the TWEETS of the Week and your URL/Name will be promoted through out the week on Blockhead Radio. So you should follow Blockhead Rod on Twitter so you can be alerted to every blog post!

The only requirement is your URL/Name be PG-13!! First ten pay attention!!


Amy, your friendly blogger

Indie Music Spotlight--Hot Buttered Rum--Update!

Hello friends! Just your friendly possum blogger reminding you to join us Wednesday night at 9 pm Eastern as we feature Hot Buttered Rum in our Indie Music Spotlight! In my previous post I neglected to mention during the show we will also be giving away a super cool T-Shirt and CD from the band!! So come check us out and enjoy!!!

So come on down and enjoy some tunes with us!! :)

Amy, your friendly dancing possum blogger

Rockin' Wed Night Shows!!

Goooood afternoon peeps!

Let us not forget that the SNEAK ATTACK LIVE has moved to Wednesday nights at 7pm eastern!! Tune in to the show, and join in on chat to check out the great shop we will attack! We encourage you to join in on our swoop! What is the sneak attack? I'm so glad you asked! You can find out more at Check them out and then come join us Wednesday nights at 7 pm Eastern!! Let the swarming begin!!

Amy, your friendly blogger

Morning Brew Ha-Ha @ 9am Eastern Mon-Fri

Don't forget to tune in to the Morning Brew Ha-Ha at 9 am Eastern (approx. 12 minutes from now!) :)

Toothless sharks, monkey meat, possums, and who knows what else will pop up!!

Thanks to all who tuned in last night for our Artisan to Artisan show on feedburner. We do hope that everyone got through it, and if you did NOT, do NOT give up!! Contact Blockhead Rod at some point during the week, either through the chat at or on the phone at 727-474-1064 and he will walk you through it! We want you all to be able to reach EVERYONE you can on your blogs! Better blogs mean better business!!

And we promise to go over Google Analytics next Monday at 9pm!!

And congratulations to the winner of the blog makeover from Huckleberry, well, ME! I SWEAR it was not rigged, I warned you all I was the trivia queen. (Come on, I'll take any one of you..let's go...) :) So, big thanks to Huck for volunteering her services and thanks to all who played...Huck picked a hard one!

So tune in, laugh and learn guys on Blockhead Radio!

Amy, your friendly possum blogger

**Interested in advertising on Blockhead Radio? Email us at or visit

Monday, January 26, 2009

Friday Night Free For All (FNFFA) is Coming!!

Friday Night Free For All-Fridays
8 p.m. to ? eastern time

Join Charlie the Crazy Chipmunk and Blockhead Rod every Friday night for a
free for all. You, the listener, will be picking the music. Request and dedications
will be taken by phone and in chat. We will also have special guests from time to time.

There is NO telling what will happen.... :)

Amy--your friendly blogger

Indie Music Spotlight--Hot Buttered Rum

Indie Music Spotlight On:

Tune in Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 to hear Hot Buttered Rum live and in person on Blockhead Radio! Our very own Blockhead Rod will interview the band and of course play some of their awesome tunes!

But who is Hot Buttered Rum? Well besides having an EXCELLENT name, "Hot Buttered Rum, one of the hardest-working and fastest-rising acts in acoustic rock, began in the San Francisco Bay Area with a lineup full of uniquely talented singer-songwriter/instrumentalists setting out to create a new Northern California sound. The Bay Area claims credit for producing dozens of bands, from Jefferson Airplane, the Grateful Dead, and Old and In the Way, to the Mother Hips, Green Day, Metallica, and beyond. From this fertile ground sprang Hot Buttered Rum’s own infectious blend of American styles—folk, rock, jazz, and newgrass—all informed by the landscape of their home."

Be sure to tune in and learn more about this fascinating band and listen in to their great music!

You can have a sneak peak at Hot Buttered Rum by visiting their sites:

Don't Miss It!!

Amy, your friendly blogger

Artisan to Artisan 9pm Eastern--Win a Free Blog Makeover!!

Come chat with us tonight at and tune into Artisan to Artisan with Blockhead Rod, Huckleberry Arts, and Sew Happy Designs as we discuss blogging, google analytics and Feedburner. Learn how to use them to better your blog and thus your business!

PLUS, pay CLOSE attention in chat to Huckleberry Arts, so you can win a FREE blog makeover from Huck herself!! You need to tune in to the show (if you need tech help launching your player or joining chat, click here) to hear how to win.

Tune in, listen for Blockhead Rod to tell you what to watch for, and when Huck types it ready to call in!! You can call in @ 727-474-1064 or you can Skype Us! You better pay attention--I'll be fighting you for this one!! :)

So come join us for laughs, a chance to win a free blog makeover, and some helpful tips for your business. Want to see what awesome work Huck does? Go to ROCKS!

Tell her Amy the Possum sent you!

Amy, your friendly blogger

*Interested in advertising on Blockhead Radio? Email or visit for more info! Great rates and excellent customer service!

**Have any blog worthy news? Drop me a line at

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Get Inside Huck's Mind with "Ask Huck!"

You asked for you will get your wish!! Premiering February 3rd, at 8pm Eastern, tune in to to hear "Ask Huck", a show with our very own Huckleberry Arts as she shared her wisdom on business, creating, marketing and more. Perhaps she'll even explain how she manages to live with our Senior Blockhead? (We love you, Rod!)

Huck has tons of information for you and this will no doubt be a blast!! Tune in for her premiere show on Feb. 3rd at 8 pm Eastern and give her some love!

--Amy, your friendly blogger

Interested in advertising on Blockhead Radio? Email or click for more information! Great rates and excellent customer service!

Pack your Bags, Sneak Attack is MOVING!

Nah, you don't have to pack your bags!! Just mark your calendars (or even easier, watch this blog for updates!) because Sneak Attack Live is moving from Friday nights to WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 7PM EASTERN.
Same great show, same great laughs, fun and chat, just on a new day and time!

So don't miss us Wednesday night, 7-8 pm eastern for Sneak Attack Live. What shop will be featured next? You'll have to join in and see!

Amy, your friendly blogger

Tweets of the Week

That's right..............tweets of the week is back. Get your shop, blog, website plugged on the Monday 1/26 Artisan for Artisan show. Only requirement......gotta be a PG 13 site. Other than that just the first 10 to leave their link in the comments will have their site plugged tomorrow night live on the air.

We are up and running as an independent Internet radio station now. We are on 24/7 exposing artisans to the world with an eclectic blend on music from indie musicians. Chat is always open. and just click on the banner to listen.

Morning Brew Ha-Ha @ 9am Eastern Mon-Fri

Do NOT miss the Morning Brew Ha-Ha every weekday at 9 am Eastern time!! Yes, we know it's early on the west coast, but you love us, don't you???

Don't you?

Because WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

We're like family over here at Blockhead radio and we want you to join our growing family!!

It's you can turn on and off at will---if only we could do that in real life, right?


So tune in Monday-Friday at 9 am Eastern for a good time with Blockhead Rod and A Good Witch Too (affectionately known as Witchy.) and some odd news, laughs and great music!

And don't forget about your chance to win FREE ADVERTISING with Blockhead Radio.

---Amy, your friendly blogger

Lazy Sunday and The Week Ahead.....

Sooooo Blockheads...what is up on YOUR Sunday? I do hope I did not spread my nasty sickness around to too many of you! Darn computer viruses.... (no, your computer is not in danger...)

What's on tap today?

For me, finishing up some soap, hopefully sewing, pic editing and (cross fingers) going to pick out a NEW DISHWASHER!!! YES!!!! SOOOO sick of washing them by hand!!

Oh, and I suppose filing taxes so we can pay back said dishwasher....

Don't forget to enter our lovely little giveaway to win a FREE on air commercial!

Click the button under our blog header that says "Win a free commercial" or click this link:

And don't miss Monday's Nights show Artisan to Artisan where will discuss blogging/marketing with google analytics and feedburner. Also on Monday's show, don't forget to join in chat so you can be ready to win a BLOG MAKEOVER by our very own Huckleberry Arts!! WOOT!

Come on by! We'd LOVE To have you!!

Remember Blockhead Radio is open to EVERYONE! The only requirement is you keep chat and links PG-13 since we have many children tuning in with mom and dad!
Come one, come all!!

Blockhead Radio welcomes you!!

Tune in 24/7 at and join in on chat 24/7 also!

---Amy your friendly possum..I mean blogger...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Random Show Joke

If you tuned know what this means...

If you don't..COME PLAY WITH US!! :)

Attack of the Chipmunks:

Saturday Night Specials--The Witching Hours

The Witching Hours

5 p.m. to 7 p.m. eastern time Saturday Jan 24, 2009

"The Witching Hours" where our very own A Good Witch Too! will be the hostess with the mostest plugging shops with "Wicked Good Sales"! Yes, Saturday Night Specials is going live on the air. Call in with your specials and join us in chat to share your links. Don't forget about the Treasure Hunt!!!!



Don't miss the Sneak Attack Live 9-11pm Eastern!! What is sneak attack?

It is done in conjunction with The Handmade Movement, so check out their great site! A sneak attack is when a shop with little or no sales is 'swarmed upon' and we try to get as many sales as possible for this shop! Think about how great that would feel as a business owner!! To wake up Saturday morning with a bunch of sales!

So come on over at 9 pm eastern tonight to help support fellow artisans and find some goodies for you! The shop is not revealed until just before the show!!

Don't forget our giveaway for FREE ADVERTISING! and a BLOG MAKEOVER!!

Have a great day!

Amy----Your Friendly Blogger

Need Techy Help Getting Into Chat or the Player?

Hopefully..this will help! I'm no tech wizard...but I gave it a shot!! :) Simply click this link and follow the picture tutorial in NUMBER ORDER and that should help!! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

Happy Chatting!
Amy---Your friendly Blogger


Artisan Teams Spotlight--Sat. Jan 24th 1 pm

Join us for the Artisan Teams Spotlight on Saturday, Jan 24th at 1-2:30pm Eastern! This weeks spotlight is on Elena /Wild Wise Witty Grandmamas & Etsy Papermakers Guild. You can check her (and them!) out at:

Lovely little Yahoo group for the Wild Wise Witty Grandmamas!

Etsy Papermakers Guild Yahoo Group.

Click any of the links for more information and tune in Saturday for the show!

All of this lovingly hosted by Lily of Tulips Treasure Box.

Come join us and have fun!!

Amy--Your friendly blogger.

Sneak Attack Live Tonight at 9 pm Eastern

Don't miss the Sneak Attack Live 9-11pm Eastern!! What is sneak attack?

It is done in conjunction with The Handmade Movement, so check out their great site! A sneak attack is when a shop with little or no sales is 'swarmed upon' and we try to get as many sales as possible for this shop! Think about how great that would feel as a business owner!! To wake up Saturday morning with a bunch of sales!

So come on over at 9 pm eastern tonight to help support fellow artisans and find some goodies for you! The shop is not revealed until just before the show!!

Don't forget our giveaway for FREE ADVERTISING! and a BLOG MAKEOVER!!

Have a great day!

Amy----Your Friendly Blogger

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Friday Morning Brew Ha-Ha 9 am Eastern

Enjoy some fun, laughs, and odd news Friday morning with Blockhead Rod and A Good Witch Too!! Every weekday morning, tune in for the Morning Brew Ha-Ha!!

There is no telling what we'll discuss this time......

Tune in to, join us in chat, snag a user name and join in!! Don't forget our call in number as well! 727-474-1064!! You can also Skype-Skype us!

Have a laugh!!

Don't forget about our giveaways!!

Blog Makeover!

Free Advertising!

Have a great day!
Amy--your friendly blogger

Thursday Night Artisan Spotlight on XenaresRoom!!!

Check it out!!

Thursday night's Artisan Spotlight is on XenaraesRoom hosted by the lovely Ruthie of RoseWorks Jewelry!
This excellent shop has awesome candles, jewelry, hair accessories and more!! Be sure to tune in Thur, Jan 22 from 9-10pm eastern to hear more about this great shop! to tune in! Join in on chat as well!! If you haven't already done so, register your user name and password before the show to save some time!

Remember to turn off any pop up blockers for our site and you may have to download Windows Media Player if you use Mozilla Firefox.

Have any bloggerrific news? Email Amy at

---Amy your friendly blogger

***Interested in advertising on Blockhead Radio? Check out the real deal info on or email

Need some FREE Advertising?? You Bet You Do!

Who doesn't want FREE advertising!? Do you sell? Create art? Blog? Write tutorials? No matter what venue, what you do, as long as it's PG-13, you can enter to win our FREE ADVERTISING GIVEAWAY!!

What is this you ask? Free Advertising?

You bet!!

WHAT do you win?

A 30 second in-stream audio commercial for your website/shop, complete with free script and voice over! This ad is for 5 thousand impressions, which means AT LEAST 5 thousand people will hear your ad!! This is a $112 value! The only rule about the site to be advertised is that it is PG-13.

HOW do you win?

You must do a blog post about Blockhead Radio on your blog--with an active link to Blockhead Radio ( Then leave a comment on THIS blog post WITH a link to your blog post about us. Everyone with me? :)

***One Entry Per Blog URL! So if you run ten different blogs, you can enter one time under EACH blog URL!***

The giveaway will run from 1/21/09-2/28/09. On March 1, 2009, we will use a random number generator to pick and winner and VERIFY all the blog post links. We will announce the winner on March 5th on this blog.

Please share this giveaway with everyone you know!! It is a GREAT deal!!

**Employees of Blockhead Radio are NOT eligible to win.**

Morning Brew Ha-Ha @ 9am Eastern Mon-Fri

Don't forget to tune in every weekday at 9 am Eastern for our Morning Brew Ha-Ha!! Join Blockhead Rod and A Good Witch Too for odd news, laughs and some good, clean fun! Posting of your links is welcome---just keep it PG-13!!!

Just go to, click the lovely blue button that says "Click to Listen" and enjoy! Then you can join in chat as well by registering your user name and enjoying some fun morning chat!

Huggles, Snuggles and Butt Bubbles!!

---Amy, your friendly blogger

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Need a little update for your blog? WIN ONE on Monday!!

Everyone needs a little spicing up of their blog!! But who has the time, energy or tech know-how?

Never fear!! Tune in Monday night for our Artisan to Artisan show, 9pm Eastern. BE SURE to be signed in to chat!! That is the only way to win this goody bag of blog yummy-ness!!

Pay attention in chat and watch for Huckleberryarts to let you know when it's time to call in and you could win a TOTAL BLOG MAKEOVER!! Banner, html and ALL!

Want to see some samples of what fantastic work Huckleberry Arts can do for you? Go to HuckleberryArts and check out her amazing graphic design.

Then be sure to tune in Monday night at 9 pm Eastern, and JOIN in chat to win! (Go ahead and register your user name now so you can be prepared!!)

Don't forget Monday night's show will also be about Google Analytics and Feedburner, more great ways to spiff up your blog or website.

Simply click the "click to listen" button up above and you're there!

Have a great evening!

---Amy, your friendly blogger

Google Analytics and Feed Burner Info

Alright everyone, put on your tech hats and get ready to really revamp your websites/blogs, etc with our helpful show about how to navigate Google Analytics and FeedBurner. Tune in Monday night, 9 pm Eastern to learn all about these two programs to enhance your business, blog or other websites.

Be prepared for the show Monday night by being logged in to your blog for the show and by being signed up for google anayltics. Then join in chat and tune in as Rod (aka Stein) helps guide you through the process for setting up anayltics and Feedburner.

If you haven't already done so, you can now secure your username for Chat and assure that there is only one you!! :)

Please let us know if you have any issues joining in chat or launching the player. You may need to adjust your pop up blocker settings and update java.
Feel free to pop into chat any time! The station and chat runs 24/7!!!

---Amy, your friendly blogger

As always, if you have any bloggerrific news, email me at

Interested in advertising on Blockhead Radio? Visit

Listen In Tonight and Win Some Goodies!!

Goooood Morning friendly BHR fans! :) Please excuse my lack of blogging yesterday....had some health issues over here at mama's house! (I'll spare you the gory details!)

BUT, I am feeling 1/2 human again and am reminding you to NOT miss tonight's show! We will be rocking it out with The Stone Coyotes!! They are a great family band with some great tunes! Listen in tonight and you can also win their latest CD, VIII and a lovely T-shirt from the band!!

Join us Wed, Jan 21 from 9-10:30pm Eastern for great tunes and goodies!!


And don't miss Thursday night's Artisan Spotlight on XenaraesRoom with RoseWorks Jewelry!
Awesome candles, jewelry, hair accessories and more!! Be sure to tune in Thur, Jan 22 from 9-10pm eastern to hear more about this great shop!


How do you join us in our lovely little show? Just go to and click the spiffy button that says "click to listen" (lovingly made by our very own A Good Witch Too!)

You can also join in chat, just let the chat applet load (You may need to update your java). Don't worry if you are asked to register your chat user name--that's so we can have only one you!!

Come join the fun, laughs and good times!!!

---Amy your friendly blogger

Monday, January 19, 2009

Get your coffee and Depends and prepare to laugh..

The Morning Brew Ha Ha is coming on!! Catch up EVERY weekday morning at 9 am Eastern with Blockhead Rod and A Good Witch Too for odd news, relaxing fun and great music!

Listen in and find out just what are butt bubbles, monkey meat and toothless shark??

Special Thanks to everyone who tuned in for Monday night's Artisan to Artisan show! Don't miss it, every Monday night at 9 pm Eastern.

Wednesday Night:
The Stones Coyote will be our Indie Music guest with Blockhead Rod!! Don't miss it!


Special Thanks to all our listeners and chatters, old and new! Please share our nifty little site with everyone you know!!

If you have any blog-worthy info please email me at

If you are interested in advertising on Blockhead Radio (and who isn't?) please visit this link:

Huggles, Snuggles and Butt Bubbles!
--Amy your Friendly Blogger

Come Join Us for our FIRST Live Show on

That's right, it is ON like Donkey Kong!! Come join us TONIGHT at 9:00-11:00 pm Eastern for Artisan to Artisan. Where? Well, I'm SO glad you asked! (Oh, you didn't ask? Must be the voices in my head again...) is UP! If you tune in during the day, you'll likely hear us tweaking no mind to the man behind the curtain.... it WILL be worth your while! :)

Tonight's show is Artisan to Artisan! Listen in for fun, laughs and great information as well! Tonight's show will focus on blogging, using entrecard for your business, and a surprise report from SewHappyDesigns!

It will no doubt be memorable!

And DO NOT miss Wednesday's show!! 9:00-10:30pm Eastern is Indie Music Artist Spotlight. Wednesday's guest will be The Stone Coyotes!

The Stone Coyotes are a bare-bones rock family trio.

Barbara Keith began her career as a folksinger at Greenwich Village’s CafĆ© Wha?, the hallowed dive where Dylan, Hendrix, and many others got their start.

Her husband Doug Tibbles was a TV writer for such shows as “The Munsters”, “Bewitched”, “Andy Griffith”, “My Three Sons”, “Family Affair”, and many more.

Barbara was signed to a major label - but unhappy with show business in general, she gave back her advance and Doug quit his one-day-old job as story editor for “Happy Days”. He took up drums and son John took up bass at the ripe old age of eleven. Reclusive by choice, the band moved from L.A. to Massachusetts to write, play and record in their cellar.

On their own label, Red Cat Records, The Stone Coyotes have produced and recorded seven albums. Their eighth is… “VIII”.


Don't miss this great show! Wed. Jan 21, 2009, 9:00-10:30pm Eastern

Find out more about The Stone Coyotes:

Hope to see you there!

--Amy, your friendly blogger.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sleepy on Sunday Morning......

GOOD MORNING BHR fans!!! How are you this fine morning? I am waiting for my coffee to reach the perfect caffeinated consistency so I thought I would just have a little post and see what is up with everyone today?

Mmmmmm coffee....the nectar of the Gods.

So what does everyone have on tap for today? Tell us what you are working on! You do not have to be an artisan to be working on something!! Big or small, personal or work, what's up YOUR sleeve today?

Personally, for me, Amy the Awesome, I will be working on usual house to-do's, as well as some sewing!! What are you guys up to today? Leave us a comment and let us know!!

Coffee will flow all day!!!

Have a fantastic day!! Check back soon!!



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inagural Post...that'll be 160 million please....

Hello Blockhead Radio fans!! Allow me to introduce myself... I am Amy, also commonly referred to as Mama's Little Monkeys or Fleur De Ink. (I have multiple online personalities.) On blogger, I am glutenfreegirl, so let's hope that is not confusing.

You may also refer to me as Amy the Awesome, but for some reason that hasn't stuck around my house..... maybe it will here.....

The wonderful powers that be at Blockhead Radio have graciously bestowed upon me the job as promotions/public relations. So I will be your friendly go-to blogger here on Blockhead!!

We hope the blog will be fresh, up to date and FUN!

Information about Blockhead Radio, shows, guests, hosts and more can be found here. Please allow me some time to get into a flow with posting!!

Blockhead Radio will go LIVE on Monday, Jan 19th. The first show will be
Artisan for Artisan
Mondays 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. eastern time
Join Blockhead Rod, A Good Witch Too, Sew Happy Designs, and Huckleberry Arts for another night of fun. Listen Laugh and Learn.

Monday's topic will be how to use blogging and Entrecard best for your business. As well as a surprise report from SewHappyDesigns!

Come join us for fun, information and more!

Any questions or comments concerning the blog can be sent to

Have a great day!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

New Button for Blockhead Radio

As you know now, Blockhead Radio is leaving BlogTalkRadio after our show tomorrow. Starting Monday 1/19/09 we can be found at We will be broadcasting live 24/7. Our shows will stay at the same times during the week, but now we will have an eclectic blend of music from various Independent Musicians. We will be adding new shows in the future.

If you have one of our BlogTalkRadio players up, could you please replace it with our new gif ad.

Just copy and paste the code out of the scroll box below.

We want to thank all of our listeners and supporters.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Artisan Teams and Groups Show 1/17/2009

Please join us at Blog Talk Radio, Blockhead Radio Live to welcome Martha, team leader of the "Free Thinkers" Saturday January 17th, 2009 1:00 pm EST

Martha Horman's Profile

Member and past president of The Long Island Craft Guild, Inc.
Member and Recording Secretary of the Long Island Chapter of Embroiderer's Guild of America.

I like to work in several different medias so you never know what you'll find here.

When I'm not on Etsy I do art work, hike, bird watch, hunt mushrooms, travel and, every once-in-a-while, annoy my relatives just for the heck of it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

We are GROWING again

Blockhead Radio is going to a live 24/7 format.

That's right. We have outgrown our spot on BTR and are starting our own station. This means more shows and more exposure for artisans. There will be a chat room at the new site. It will be up and running 24/7 also. We have a lot of great music from our independent musicians and more shows in the works.

We will be running a limited schedule this week on BTR.

Stay tuned for more information.

Starting next Monday you will find us at

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Treasure Hunt 1/10

This week's Treasure Hunt prize...

Because I know you all have at least a tiny bit of "wicked" to wash away :)
Tune in at 5pm EST to "The Witching Hours" for your chance to win!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sneak Attack

Don't forget our sneak attack tonight at 9 pm

Visit the Etsy thread.

Artisan Shoppe

How about a welcome the the Artisan Shoppe?

As you know there are and will never be any listing fees.

Here is a deal from Huck and I.

As a thanks for all the support from artisans that we get.

There will be NO FEES for January and February.

In other words there will be no final valuation fee on all auctions that close during the month of January and February.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Received a Pay It Forward...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kelly Richey

“Stevie Ray Vaughn trapped in a woman's body with Janis Joplin screaming to get out.” This is how one critic describes Kelly Richey, a blues-based rock virtuoso.

Kelly will be on Blockhead Radio tonight at 9 p.m. eastern time.

Gonna be giving away a CD.

Great Music.

You're tempted now.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't Forget






CPSIA Where are we at and what is going to happen.

Last nights show went very well. As of now it is still the same. On 2/10/09 if you manufacture items marketed to children 12 years and younger it MUST be tested for lead content prior to selling it.

That's where we are at right now. The CPSC completed it first stage of rule making yesterday. I still have not received an update nor have found any posting on the vote. As soon as I do I will pass the information along. Please remember the CPSC is only trying to follow what was given to them. They are aware of the implications that this law is going to have on small business's in the U.S.

What can we do. Here is a link to the United States House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Don't just email, call, and write your them all. The spirit of the law was great, but what they formed was too general and they need to revise it.

I'm not letting go of this subject. We will be having a follow up show in a few weeks. At that time I will have a guest from the CPSC on the air and hopefully a member of the House.

Don't give matter what these people think, they work for us. Let your employee know that you do not agree with what they have done.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Treasure Hunt and Featured Shops for The Witching Hours 1/03

This Week the Winner of the Treasure Hunt will get to
choose between these two lovelies
from SolSisters:

Arya Blue Swirl Zip Pouch


Quartz Cosmetic/Change Purse

Friday, January 2, 2009

G TOM MAC and Corey Haim on Blockhead Radio

Meet the men, hear the music, and learn about the future.

G Tom Mac aka Gerard McMann body of work as an artist & songwriter has covered a massive array of ground from his powerful Goth pop classic Cry little sister he wrote and performed for the movie the Lost Boys through the many diverse films & TV shows he has featured songs in from “Chasing Amy”, to Ice Cubes “The Players Club” to mention a few, and a wide variety of TV shows that range from “Scrubs” “ the Shield”. Along with a prolific amount of songs that have been covered by KISS, Carley Simon, Robert Plant & Roger Daltrey.

Corey Ian Haim is a Canadian actor, known for a 1980s Hollywood career as a teen idol. He starred in a number of films such as Lucas, The Lost Boys, License to Drive and Dream a Little Dream, and in particular, collaborated numerous times with Corey Feldman and the pair were dubbed "The Two Coreys." Be sure to check out our special show.

G TOM MAC and Corey Haim will be joining us live on the air Tuesday 1/6 and 9 p.m. eastern time. Make sure you get your user name at and get your seat in chat early.

Join us at for the show.

Friday's Feature - Robyn's Art!

Last night we had a great show and interview with Robyn of Robyn's Art! If you'd like to hear the show go here. Click on any of the pictures you see in this post to go to their etsy listing. Here's a little bit of what we learned about Robyn last night :)

Robyn is an artist with many talents. She loves photography and said that she always takes her camera with her! Recently she's taken up hiking as both a fun exercise, and a way to find even more incredible photo opportunities.

One thing that was a lot of fun for me in interviewing Robyn is the fact that we're from the same area! So many of her photos are of my favorite places - like the above photo of Multnomah Falls.

Do you ever go searching for the perfect journal - but get frustrated with the over-priced and impersonal selections that can be found in the local stores? Well, Robyn also sells journals! Not only can you find some fantastic one's in her shop now - she told us of her plans to continue to expand and improve her line of journals :)

Want to get to know Robyn better? Here's where you can find her!

Robyn's Shop

Robyn's Blog

Follow Robyn on Twitter!

Robyn is also a part of the Pluggers United Team and the Bookbinders of Etsy Street Team.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blockhead Radio has received an Award!

Dee said, "My dear friend TiLTCreations gave me the Spreader of Love Award for always promoting on my blog~Blows TiLT kisses~I'm awarding my own Spreader of Love Awards!
1.Blockhead radio Blog for doing the BEST Blogger Radio show promoting Handmade!"
Thank you Dee. We blows kisses 2U2