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Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is Blockhead Radio?

What is Blockhead Radio? That seems to be the million dollar question of late. The best way to figure out who we are is to go back to the beginning. I started out last year with a blog called 'Etsy Spotlight On'. It was an homage to my wife and her friends to help bring some traffic to their Etsy shops. Monday through Friday I would feature a new seller from Etsy. Let me just say, it snowballed from there. Etsy Spotlight On led to several blogs that featured artisans.

One day last September I was asked by a friend to be a guest on her BTR radio show. I was hooked and the following week I started 'The Blockhead Rod Show'. The shows were just an extension of what I was doing with the blogs. Exposing artisan's and sharing tips and tricks on how to market, set up blogs, etc. I really enjoyed doing the shows, but something was missing..........enter indie music, Witchy, and the fun.

We expanded on our shows and built a following on BTR. We hit the limit with the number of shows and time that we were able to broadcast. The next step was to start our own station. Here's BHR.

Now I am going to be honest here. I didn't have a clue. I spent many hours researching Internet radio and all the options that were out there. What we created was out of the "norm", meaning we are a stand alone station. We do not belong to any radio groups/business'. I patch worked together a encoder, phone system, and chat into one package. Still not sure how, but hey it of the time.

Somethings have been changing lately and we are trying to 'find' ourselves. One thing that had set us apart from most shows on the 'net was that we were kid friendly. We seemed to have slipped out of that over the past couple weeks, but we are back to being PG-13 on all of our shows. We started moving away from the artisan shows and more on just fun and music. I don't know what to say. It is a business now and we have been trying to find what works. I have come to the conclusion that what works is what we started as. A Talk Radio station that promotes indie artisans, including the musicians, and life in general. We are going back to that. Here is a current list of shows on BHR:

The Morning BrewHaHa........hey still gotta have coffee and fun in the morning.

Artisan for Artisan. Tips, tricks, and ways to improve your online presence. We are including 'Ask Huck' with this show.

Sneak Attack Live. Joining up with the handmade movement has been a lot of fun. Chain does a great job putting together sneak attacks week after week.

Thursday Spotlight On. Ruthie does a great job of exposing a new artisan every week.

Artisan Team and Group. Lily spotlights a new group every Saturday. This is a great way to find out about teams/groups that you might benefit from joining.

These shows are live every week. We are looking to add to our talk show schedule. In pre-production right now we have 'Tough Times', a show to help you balance the budget and save money. Cooking with Mr Moo...........that's right a cooking show. Book of the Month show. I have several more ideas for shows and if you are interested in being a host, please contact me.

Gardening/Plant Show
Kids and Teens Show
New Discovery Show
Art Instruction Show
Fishing Show
Tech Show

From the list I guess you can see what type of station we are becoming. A talk radio station playing great music while exposing indie artisan and talking about living and having fun in your everyday life. Yep that sums it up and we are going to do it in a way that kids can listen in.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of ideals out there and we are looking to add a full schedule. The majority of the shows are going to be prerecorded and rebroadcast at different time through out the week. Also we are working on a system to be able to rebroadcast our live shows. This is in the works.

We are recruiting new listeners. If you have not taken the time to listen to our little station I urge you to do so. We have a lot fun and pass along some great ideas. we only ask that you check any attitude, religion, and politics at the door.

The Artisan Challenge will be back in a few weeks. You wanna talk some fun and exposure...........more on this to come.

Some Advertising deals.........right now you can purchase 1000 impressions with a click able ad for $15.00. There are 24 of these left. You can buy as many as you like for the price. Advertiser will be responsible for the banner (240 x 240 pxl) and the scripting for the commercial. Contact for more information.

We are working on some show sponsorship spots and a coop commercial with Charlie the crazy chipmunk.


Census said...

This sounds amazing!! The problem is I have not got any idea on how to listen, lol!!
Is this something that I as "an across the pond" Brit can still hear?
It certainly sounds like fun!! The best ideas often happen from little thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Census,
Right now we are working on a rebroadcast schedule. The shows will play at later times during the day for us and normal time for you.