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Monday, March 30, 2009

A BeWitching Find

If you've listened to a show (and you really should if you haven't) then you know me as Witchy. You've also come to realize that I'm completely obsessed with soap. Don't even get me started talking about soap or I may never shut up. Chances are if you've caught the Morning BrewHAHA you know I can talk. A LOT.

Recently I took the plunge into joining and then exploring another selling venue: Artfire.

Well of course I had to peruse all the lovely handmade soaps. I thought I'd take the time to share just one shop out of the many that caught my eye: Ann's Lotions and Potions. Oh the eye candy! One glance in this shop and I was captivated by the eye popping colors accentuated with some enticing swirls! Not to mention the scrumptious scents found within... Black Cherry almost had me licking the screen. I'm not afraid to admit it either.

We always tell you not to eat the soap and this shop is going to require extra restraint. Several strips of duct tape across your mouth may be needed to curb the urge. Five years devoted to honing her craft is evident in every beautiful bar. Her shop also contains lotions, lip balms, sugar scrubs and other items that are made with quality ingredients your skin will thank you for.

Mmmm... the Toasted Coconut soap is beautiful. It also contains Coconut Milk which will provide a super creamy lather. I can smell it from here (take a deep breath, I bet you can too)!

I could totally post pic after pic of her gorgeous soaps! But where's the fun in that? Head on over to Ann's Lotions and Potions, take a look around, and grab a bar... or two... or three. If nothing else admire her creations and drool over the scents. Go ahead and lick the screen if the urge strikes. Ya know you want to.


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

That looks awesome! Thanks for sharing Witchy :)

agoodwitchtoo said...

Truth be told... I still wanna lick the screen :)

Anonymous said...

I licked it....

agoodwitchtoo said...

Ha! This doesn't surprise me... coming from the mother of a goat licker ;)

Amy said...

nom nom nom yummy soap...

yeah thanks witchy, thanks to that kick in the butt I am now trying to keep up my artfire shop AND will be a blogging fool tonite! :)

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet Witchy. Sharing another soap makers shop is definitely paying it forward!

BTW, never licked a goat...

butt bubbles...could not help myself with this blog post...LOL