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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Random Artist Find.....

2LAKofINKco over at This is some REALLY fantastic handmade wooden goodness! Here's a little about this great artist, from the Made It Myself page:
"I started LAK of Ink co. more than a year ago for custom design and creation.
I have always been a highly creative person; I enjoy working in many mediums,
from illustration and painting, to sculpture and furniture. If it inspires me,
I will utilize it. Prior to marriage and children, I was very active with art.
For a time I hung up my pen for a hammer. In construction I have had the
opportunity to acquire a number of skills that I now employ, opening new doors
to creativity. LAK of Ink co. was born.

My wife has always encouraged my creativeness. Not always understanding,
but none the less supported me. Eventually she began to help with projects,
glue-ups, sanding, and finishing. She is a sounding board for ideas and an
active contributor of concepts. Now she actively contributes her own creations
and hand crafts.

As parents, child safety is of the highest priority. This is why we use non-toxic
and food grade stains and finishes on our toy and kitchen products.
For a wood toy to last even one child’s lifetime, the wood must be protected.
Without protection, one cup of juice spilled on a wood toy would virtually destroy
it. Causing staining, sticky nastiness that is impossible to clean.
I use clear polyurethane as the primary finish. I hand rub in then wipe off
the excess, twice. This produces the thinnest possible build up that offers
durable and permanent layer of protection.
A final coat of wax repels water and is a maintainable first line of defense.
Wax will wear off with normal handling and play."

So click the pics, and check out this fantastic artist!! You can't go wrong with these
beautiful wooden items!! Handmade with love!

1 comment:

L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

Excellent looking toy. Even grown ups would be attracted to this toy!

Anything to avoid plastic toys is welcome.